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Kayser, Karl Julius

Date of birth:
May 9th, 1809 (Weissenfels an der Saale/Saxony, Prussia)
Date of death:
June 16th, 1889 (Frankfurt an der Oder/Brandenburg/Prussia)


September 15th,1826: Portepee Fähnrich;
December 13th, 1826: Seconde-Lieutenant;
June 4th, 1839:Premier-Lieutenant;
April 1st, 1843: Hauptmann;
October 31st, 1848: Major;
July 13th, 1854: Oberstleutnant;
May 22nd, 1858: Oberst;
October 18th, 1861: Generalmajor (karakter).

October 15th, 1842: 26. Infanterie-Regiment;
1831: Allgemeine Kriegsschule;
June 8th, 1834: Garde-Artillerie-Brigade;
1838: Topographische Büro;
December 28th, 1840: Garde-Artillerie-Brigade;
April 12th, 1842: Grossen Generalstab;
April 4th, 1844: Generalstab, V. Armee-Korps;
September 15th, 1848: Kommandeur, Artillerie Baden;
December 10th, 1850: Generalstab, V. Armee-Korps;
April 13th, 1852: Generalstab, II. Armee-Korps;
October 15th, 1855: Chef, Generalstab, VII. Armee-Korps;
May 16th, 1857: Direktor, Vereinigte Artillerie- und Ingenieurschule;
June 15th, 1857: Garde-Artillerie-Regiment;
May 19th, 1859: Kommanderu, Festung Torgau;
April 4th, 1865: Retirement.

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mit Schleife
Awarded on:
April 21st, 1859
with Band
Roter Adlerorden III. Klasse
Awarded on:
January 12th, 1864
Königlicher Kronen-Orden II. Klasse

